All projects

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Energy decarbonisation

The project aims to reduce the share of fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas) in the energy mix of the company or its stakeholders.

Energy efficiency improvement

The project aims to improve the energy performance of its activities or those of its stakeholders, i.e. to reduce energy consumption for the same service provided.

Improvement of non-energy resource efficiency

The project reduces the consumption of "material or living" resources (but whose carbon intensity is significant given their need to be transformed by energy-consuming processes) of the company or its stakeholders for an identical service.

Sobriety in energy and non-energy resources

The project aims to reduce the consumption of energy or non-energy resources (but whose carbon intensity is significant) of the company or its stakeholders by changing uses or behaviour. In the end, the "service provided" is not identical; it is adjusted to a lower need.

Emission absorption

The project increases carbon sinks that sequester carbon originally stored in the atmosphere. The project can also use the carbon dioxide in an industrial process. These “negative emissions” represent an absolute and actual flow of carbon removed from the atmosphere.

Financing of low-carbon
issuers or disinvestment from carbon assets

The project reduces the carbon footprint of the company's investment portfolio by financing issuers with low-carbon activities and projects or, conversely, by disinvesting carbon assets.

Reduction of other greenhouse gases

The project aims to reduce, avoid or capture the emission of one or more greenhouse gases, other than carbon dioxide (CH4, N2O, HFC, PFC, SF6).

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Approvisionnement durable

Qui cum venisset ob haec festinatis itineribus Antiochiam, praestrictis palatii ianuis, contempto Caesare, quem videri decuerat, ad praetorium cum pompa sollemni perrexit


Qui cum venisset ob haec festinatis itineribus Antiochiam, praestrictis palatii ianuis, contempto Caesare, quem videri decuerat, ad praetorium cum pompa sollemni perrexit

Ecologie industrielle et territoriale

Qui cum venisset ob haec festinatis itineribus Antiochiam, praestrictis palatii ianuis, contempto Caesare, quem videri decuerat, ad praetorium cum pompa sollemni perrexit

Economie de la fonctionnalité

Qui cum venisset ob haec festinatis itineribus Antiochiam, praestrictis palatii ianuis, contempto Caesare, quem videri decuerat, ad praetorium cum pompa sollemni perrexit

Consommation responsable

Qui cum venisset ob haec festinatis itineribus Antiochiam, praestrictis palatii ianuis, contempto Caesare, quem videri decuerat, ad praetorium cum pompa sollemni perrexit

Allongement de la durée d’usage

Qui cum venisset ob haec festinatis itineribus Antiochiam, praestrictis palatii ianuis, contempto Caesare, quem videri decuerat, ad praetorium cum pompa sollemni perrexit


Le projet vise à réduire, éviter ou capter l’émission d’un ou plusieurs gaz à effet de serre, autre(s) que le dioxyde de carbone (CH4, N2O, HFC, PFC, SF6).