Steam & electricity production from a boiler station powered by Solid Recovered Fuels
The Dombasle Energie project, resulting from the partnership between Solvay and Véolia, aims to design, to build, finance and operate a boiler…
The Dombasle Energie project, resulting from the partnership between Solvay and Véolia, aims to design, to build, finance and operate a boiler…
In order to decarbonise the heat needed for the processes operated by Solvay, the company has decided to substitute natural gas and supply
To produce steam consumed by the Saint Fons site, Solvay substitutes natural gas with a biomass heating plant that uses wood waste as fuel. The main objective of the project is to decarbonise the heating…
AFEP (Association of French large companies) is an association representing 111 of the largest companies operating in France. It participates in the public debate with the ambition to provide pragmatic answers in favour of the development of a competitive and sustainable French and European economy, conducive to the growth of all companies.