De-mixing of white cullet

Verallia is developing a de-mixing capacity for white cullet at the Everglass Rozet Saint Albin site, which will increase cullet rates in the white glass furnaces. This project will reduce energy consumption (natural gas) of the white glass furnaces and the associated CO2 emissions. emissions.

Main project's drivers for reducing the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions

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Energy and resource efficiency

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Energy Decarbonisation

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Energy efficiency improvements

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Improving efficiency in non-energy resources

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Emission removal

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Financing low-carbon issuers or disinvestment from carbon assets

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Reduction of other greenhouse gases emission

Project objectives

The project consists in increasing the capacity of the white cullet "de-mixing" of the Everglass Rozet Saint Albin (Haut de France), in order to increase the cullet rates in the white glass furnaces, which allows a reduction in energy consumption and CO2 emissions.

Detailed project description

Cullet is glass that is recycled. Cullet can be made from coloured glass or white glass.

In a glass furnace, cullet replaces new mineral material (sand, soda, limestone + various other materials…).

The introduction of cullet into glass furnaces reduces the consumption of natural gas and raw materials in the furnace and therefore the raw materials in the furnace and therefore the associated CO2 emissions. Verallia’s coloured glass furnaces

Verallia’s coloured glass furnaces are saturated with cullet. To increase the cullet content in the white glass furnaces, it is necessary to increase the capacity of the furnaces, it is necessary to increase the white glass removal capacity of cullet processing sites.

New generations of optical sorting machines can achieve a white glass purity of 99,8%.

To achieve this, it is necessary to modify the existing installations to include new optical sorting machines in cascade. This also leads to the implementation of new means related to bulk handling: conveyors, lifts, vibrating distributors, silos, etc.

Emission scope(s)

on which the project has a significant impact

Scope 1

Direct emissions generated by the company's activity.

Scope 2

Indirect emissions associated with the company's electricity and heat consumption.

Scope 3

Emissions induced (upstream or downstream) by the company's activities, products and/or services in its value chain.

Emission Removal

Carbon sinks creation, (BECCS, CCU/S, …)

Avoided Emissions

Emissions avoided by the activities, products and/or services in charge of the project, or by the financing of emission reduction projects.

Scope 1 – Réduction de la consommation de gaz naturel et de matière première

  • Quantification : 8150 T CO2

Avant le lancement du projet, la consommation de gaz naturel des 4 fours concernés de Chalon sur Saône et Lagnieu était de l’ordre de 619 GWh PCI/an. La réalisation de ce projet à permit permettra de réduire cette consommation de 2.4%. En utilisant un facteur d’émission de 187 kgCO2/MWh PCI, cela représente un gain de CO2 de l’ordre de 2748 tCO2/an.

Par ailleurs, la mise en œuvre de 30 000 T de calcin blanc à la place de matière “neuve” permet d’économiser 36 000 T de matière neuve. En considérant un facteur d’émissions de 180 Kg CO2/t de matière neuve fondu, cela représente un gain de CO2 de l’ordre de 5400 tCO2/an.

Key points

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Invested amount

Forecasted investment = 3,66 M€

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Starting date of the project

Q1 2022

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Project localisation

Rozet-Saint-Albin, Aisne

Project maturity level

Prototype laboratory test (TRL 7)

Real life testing (TRL 7-8)

Pre-commercial prototype (TRL 9)

Small-scale implementation

Medium to large scale implementation

Economic profitability of the project (ROI)

Short term (0-3 years)

Middle term (4-10 years)

Long term (> 10 years)

Illustrations of the project

This project strengthens the circular economy by developing the recycling of household glass.

This project can be replicated in all household cullet processing sites in any country.

A partnership with ADEME is awaiting validation in the framework of the call for projects for the decarbonisation of Industry.

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