Eco-design of payment terminals

The design of a payment terminal is the key stage where the levers are the most important to define it environmental profile. This is why, as early as the design phase, the Worldline Group takes into account each stage of the product life cycle to limit its environmental footprint.

Main project's drivers for reducing the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions

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Energy and resource efficiency

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Energy Decarbonisation

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Energy efficiency improvements

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Improving efficiency in non-energy resources

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Emission removal

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Financing low-carbon issuers or disinvestment from carbon assets

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Reduction of other greenhouse gases emission

Project objectives

Reducing the environmental footprint of payment terminals is a real challenge as the demand for environmentally friendly products is becoming increasingly important. The eco-design of payment terminals is therefore at the heart of the Worldline Group's environmental strategy, which aims to design, develop and offer products that are increasingly environmentally friendly, focusing in particular on the following dimensions:
- Reduction of the raw materials used,
- Reduction of the carbon footprint
linked to logistics, - Optimization of the energy efficiency of terminals,
- Recyclability of terminals and setting up recycling channels for end-of-life terminals.

Detailed project description

The design of a payment terminal is a key stage to reduce environmental impacts. It is during this phase, the levers are the most important to define the environmental profile.


Eco-design is a virtuous process that takes into account environmental requirements (regulations, customer expectations, Group environmental policy) and product environmental impacts (consumption of raw materials and energy, waste production) in order to reduce them as much as possible. This is an innovative and preventive approach that enables the company to rethink the product in a more responsible and sustainable way, at each stage of its life cycle.


To this end, the Worldline Group has developed an eco-design approach that aims in particular to reduce resource consumption and waste production (SDG 12 – United Nations Sustainable Development Goals – Sustainable consumption and production).


To make progress in this area, the Group has developed an eco-design checklist based on the best international standards for electronic products (EPEAT, TCO, ECMA-341, etc.). Through this tool, the environmental performance of products is evaluated:

  • By measuring a number of design indicators (weight, power consumption, number of components, PCB area…) ;
  • By checking compliance with current regulatory requirements (WEEE, RoHS2, REACH, etc.);
  • By identifying good design practices (compatibility and number of materials, marking of plastic parts, disassembly constraints, etc., for recycling).

This evaluation of environmental performance is then used to draw up an “eco-declaration”, a sort of environmental profile of the product that enhances its ecological dimension while meeting customer expectations.

For more information, download the complete project sheet.

Emission scope(s)

on which the project has a significant impact

Scope 1

Direct emissions generated by the company's activity.

Scope 2

Indirect emissions associated with the company's electricity and heat consumption.

Scope 3

Emissions induced (upstream or downstream) by the company's activities, products and/or services in its value chain.

Emission Removal

Carbon sinks creation, (BECCS, CCU/S, …)

Avoided Emissions

Emissions avoided by the activities, products and/or services in charge of the project, or by the financing of emission reduction projects.

Scope 3 – Optimization of the energy efficiency of terminals Reduction of raw materials used

  • Quantification : – 66 560 tCO2e
  • – 2018 situation: 60.1 kgCO2e/product manufactured

    – 2020 situation: 53.7 kgCO2e/product manufactured


    For a volume of terminals manufactured in 2020 of 10.4 million products, this represents a gain of 66,560 tCO2e

Key points

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Invested amount

Not disclosed

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Starting date of the project


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Project localisation

Worldwild scale

Project maturity level

Prototype laboratory test (TRL 7)

Real life testing (TRL 7-8)

Pre-commercial prototype (TRL 9)

Small-scale implementation

Medium to large scale implementation

Economic profitability of the project (ROI)

Short term (0-3years)

Middle term (4-10 years)

Long term (> 10 years) ​

Not disclosed

Illustrations of the project

The eco-design of payment terminals contributes to SDG 12 Sustainable Consumption and Production.

The Group’s partner for the assembly of terminals is a signatory of the Responsible Business Alliance (formerly EICC – Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition) Code of Conduct, which ensures that the environment is taken into account in the conduct of its activities. This partner is also ISO 14001 certified, as are the two subcontracting plants that assemble Landi terminals. In 2020, all of the Group’s terminals were assembled in industrial sites covered by ISO 14001 environmental certification.


The Group works with two carriers who are among the leaders in logistics. Both ISO 14001 certified, they enable the company to contribute to an eco-responsible supply chain. They provide the Group with their expertise in the design of logistics networks, consolidation and optimization of loads, and the choice of transport modes, thereby helping to reduce the Group’s carbon footprint.

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