While the residential building sector is one of the main sources of GHG emissions in France (largely due to the energy consumption of this sector), the emissions in France (largely due to the sector’s energy consumption), the public authorities are pursuing ambitious objectives for the energy renovation of buildings. However, the market for the energy renovation is struggling to scale up.
Faced with the same situation, the Netherlands has implemented since 2012 a comprehensive and innovative approach called EnergieSprong (“energy leap” in Dutch), which has proven its worth and has created a new dynamic on the subject. The ambition of EnergieSprong is to deploy on a large-scale energy renovation by democratizing access to as many people as possible, starting with social housing, and then benefiting other markets: educational buildings, private housing…
BY SPRONG (Bouygues Construction’s response to the EnergieSprong challenge) develops and aggregates the best technical and economic solutions for massifying the energy renovation of housing in order to meet the twofold imperative of guaranteed sustainable energy performance and lower costs expected by the market.
An initial BYSprong pilot project has been carried out. It covers the design, construction, operation and maintenance phases for the rehabilitation of 12 houses on an occupied site. This is a zero-energy renovation pilot project that will make social housing from the 1960s energy self-sufficient. At the end of the work carried out by Bouygues Bâtiment Grand Ouest, the 12 houses will achieve zero energy for all uses, with a 30-year performance guarantee via a global performance contract.
The EnergieSprong approach on which the project is based consists in a demanding set of specifications with four key components:
- E = 0: renovation to a zero-energy level guaranteed over the long term up to 30 years.
- Speed: work on an occupied site in up to 10 days thanks to the pre-industrialization of some of the elements.
- Affordability: the extra cost of the work to achieve zero energy is financed by the resale of renewable energy and the reduction of energy expenses.
- Attractiveness: a strong attention is paid to the satisfaction and comfort of the occupants (aesthetics, …).
The project timeframe is as follows: 4 months for design, 6 months for construction and 30 years for maintenance.