Installation of a lighting management system for the facades and windows of 10 stores
In order to reduce the GHG emissions of 10 of its Asian stores, Louis Vuitton has set up a system for controlling electricity consumption (lighting management system for facades and stores windows).
Main project's drivers for reducing the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
Energy and resource efficiency
Energy Decarbonisation
Energy efficiency improvements
Improving efficiency in non-energy resources
Emission removal
Financing low-carbon issuers or disinvestment from carbon assets
Reduction of other greenhouse gases emission
Project objectives
- To reduce electricity consumption linked to the lighting of stores as well as the associated CO2 emissions.
- To commit Louis Vuitton teams
- To bring visibility on climate commitment in stores
For the Maison Louis Vuitton worldwide, stores account for 82% of greenhouse gas emissions linked to electricity (and 70% of electricity consumption).
Among these stores, the 2 Taiwanese stores and 8 Chinese stores are particular in two respects:
- They are located in countries where electricity is very carbon-intensive (500 gCO2 / kWh for Taiwan and more than 700g CO2 / kWh in China),
- They have particularly large facades and windows.
The interest of the project launched by Louis Vuitton is to install, in each site, a lighting control for facades and windows connected to an electronic timer. The slots during the switch off of the lights have been planned (especially at night). No human intervention is necessary, everything is automatic.
This initiative will result in an overall energy saving estimated at 538 MWh per year (408.8 MWh in Chinese stores and 129.2 MWh in Taiwanese stores). It should prevent the emission of 395 metric tonnes of greenhouse gases each year.
Note: this project is the result of the program launched by Louis Vuitton which allows each year the environmental community of the zones, called “Green Team”, to highlight non-budgeted initiatives by presenting them to Michael Burke, the President of the House. In 2019, 19 projects were financed by Louis Vuitton on behalf of the LVMH Carbon Fund.
Emission scope(s)
on which the project has a significant impact
- Emission scopes
- Description and quantification of associated GHG emissions
- Clarification on the calculation
Scope 1
Direct emissions generated by the company's activity.
Scope 2
Indirect emissions associated with the company's electricity and heat consumption.
Scope 3
Emissions induced (upstream or downstream) by the company's activities, products and/or services in its value chain.
Emission Removal
Carbon sinks creation, (BECCS, CCU/S, …)
Avoided Emissions
Emissions avoided by the activities, products and/or services in charge of the project, or by the financing of emission reduction projects.
Scope 2 – Switch off of facades and windows at night.
- Quantification : – 0,4 ktCO2eq/year
538 MWh per year (408.8 MWh in Chinese stores and 129.2 MWh in Taiwan stores).
394 tonnes of greenhouse gases avoided per year, i.e. a 52% reduction in emissions from the 10 stores
Key points
Invested amount
10 000€
Starting date of the project
Project localisation
Taïwan et China
Project maturity level
Prototype laboratory test (TRL 7)
Real life testing (TRL 7-8)
Pre-commercial prototype (TRL 9)
Small-scale implementation
Medium to large scale implementation
Economic profitability of the project (ROI)
Short term (0-3 years)
Middle term (4-10 years)
Long term (> 10 years)
Illustrations of the project
This project contributes to SDG 12 Responsible consumption and production.
Through this project, the 10 stores are reducing their energy consumption, thereby raising employees’ awareness of more sustainable consumption patterns.
This system can be replicated in each store, the carbon impact depending on the country’s energy mix (the more the country is carbon intensive, the greater the emissions are avoided).
Regular adjustment of the system is necessary to synchronize the opening / closing times of the store with the switching off / on of facades and windows.
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