Curve : 24,000 m2 of office space in wood structure

With a surface area of 24,000 m2, Curve is one of the largest wooden buildings ever made in France. Delivered in September 2020 and occupied by the ARS (Regional Health Agency), this particularly exemplary building aligns with BNP Paribas Real Estate's environmental objectives, thanks in particular to the numerous carbon optimisations integrated from the design stage.

Main project's drivers for reducing the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions

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Energy efficiency and resources

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Decarbonisation of energy

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Improving energy efficiency

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Improving efficiency in non-energy resources

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Emission removal

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Financing of low carbon issuers or divestment of carbonated assets

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Reduction of other greenhouse gases emission

Project objectives

Thanks to its wood frame structure, the Curve building meets the necessary need to reduce carbon emissions of the real estate industry.

Detailed project description

With nearly 24,000 m2 of office space out of 7 levels, Curve is one of the largest wood structure buildings in Europe. The building runs on seven floors and four basement levels and has 1960 workstations. Located near the “Stade de de France” station on the RER B, Curve offers a wide range of services (business centre, co working, fitness, concierge, contemporary coffee, etc.), including several accessible terraces and generous landscaping gardens. The trays of nearly 3,000 m2 have a free height above 2.70m and a depth of about 18m.


The stairs and elevators cores are made of low carbon concrete (as are the infrastructure) and ensure the bracing and thermal inertia of the building. Mixed wood and concrete construction, as well as the implementation of the majority of CLT load-bearing walls (prefabricated), reduces the carbon impact relative to a traditional concrete structure and ensures carbon storage of 4,200 tons of CO2.

This constructive method, which relies heavily on pre manufacturing, also offers the advantage of the speed of onsite installation, allowing for a gain in terms of the execution schedule.

Anodished aluminium sun-shadings also protect the façade.


Other examples of carbon optimisation:

  • On technical batches: New generation refrigerant fluids generate a gain of 1,085 tons of CO2 compared to standard fluids;
  • On interior coatings: Recycled sublayer carpets resulting in a gain of 180 tons of CO2 compared to the reference values;
  • Working with manufacturers committed to reducing their environmental and voluntary impacts for writing environmental and health declaration sheets (FDES);
  • Tenant companies’ participation for the carbon optimisation proposal on their lots.


The building is committed to 40% below RT2012 in terms of its energy needs, aiming for HQE certification under the NF referential for tertiary buildings – starts HQE from 2015, with an Exceptional level passport, the Effinergie + label as well as the E + C level E2C1 and the BBCA level Standard label.

Emission scope(s)

on which the project has a significant impact

Scope 1

Direct emissions generated by the company's business.

Scope 2

Indirect emissions associated with the company's electricity and heat consumption.

Scope 3

Emissions induced (upstream or downstream) by the company's activities, products and/or services on its value chain.

Emission Removal

Carbon sink creation, (BECCS, CCU/S,...)

Emissions avoided

Emissions avoided by the activities, products and/or services of the company sponsoring the project or by financing emissions reduction projects.

Scope 1 – Achievement of the BBCA level Excellence label as well as the E + C1 level E2C1 label

  • Quantification :

    873.4kgCO2eq/m ² or 20,950 tons of CO2 (Quantifying E+C-, Eges PCE (Materials-related GHG))

Scope 2 – Optimising the energy performance of the built and systems, in order to achieve E2 level (RT-30% equivalent) :

  • Quantification: 215 kgCO2eq/m² soit 5150 tonnes de CO2 pour 50 ans (Quantification E+C-, Eges Energie)

Scope 2 – Recours au réseau de chaleur vertueux de Saint-Denis (0.116 gCO2/kWh) :

  • Quantification :

    215 kgCO2eq/m ² or 5,150 tons of CO2 for 50 years (Quantifying E+C-: Energy Eges)

    4.3 kgCO2eq/m ² or 103 tons of CO2 per year (Energy Eges)

Emissions absorption – Setting up CLT floors/sails and LC poles : 

  • Quantification : Biogenic carbon storage of 176 kgCO2eq/m ² or 4,200 tons of CO2 captured in the structure of the building (20% of total impacts of products and materials)

La méthodologie E+C- a été utilisée pour les calculs et ordres de grandeurs présentés ci-dessus. Il s’agit d’une méthode de calcul des indicateurs relatifs au bilan énergétique et à la performance environnementale du bâtiment sur l’ensemble de son cycle de vie, notamment au regard des émissions de gaz à effet de serre. Il a été mis en place par les ministères de la transition énergétique et de la cohésion territoriale, et vient en complément de la réglementation thermique actuelle applicable aux bâtiments neufs (RT 2012).

Cette approche permet ainsi de définir les émissions de CO2 sur les périmètres suivants notamment :

  • la construction du bâtiment : estimées à 873 kgCO2 par m² de surface de plancher sur le projet Curve
  • la consommation d’énergie en exploitation : estimées à 103 tonnes de CO2 par an sur le projet Curve.

Key points

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Invested amount

Not disclosed

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Starting date of the project


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Project localisation

Saint-Denis, Seine-Saint-Denis

Project maturity level

Prototype laboratory test (TRL 7)

Real life testing (TRL 7-8)

Pre-commercial prototype (TRL 9)

Small-scale implementation

Medium to large scale implementation

Economic profitability of the project (ROI)

Short term (0-3 years)

Middle term (4-10 years)

Long term (> 10 years)

Non communiqué

Illustrations of the project

During the project, residents were able to enjoy a dry, silent and fast mounting. Four months were required in total to mount the seven levels pre-manufactured bone.

A 250 m2 brewery will be installed at ground floor

With its cinded facades and unfamiliar, winding appearance, Curve not only puts a spotlight on timber construction and technical know-how, but also on the Montjoie district, where the Woodwork worksite, also in wood, is being completed.

The building will now be the new headquarters of the ARS (Regional Health Agency). It will bring together teams once installed in the Millennium at Porte d’Aubervilliers and the Seine Saint Denis annexe in Bobigny. The purpose of this internal gathering is to facilitate coordination and exchange in the deployment of operations in the different territories. The significant reduction in the rent generated will be reinvested to enable the development of new actions.

The column/beam structure typology as well as the use of wood could be renewed and implemented on another construction project.

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