Green electricity for our French sites

IPSEN's carbon footprint is mainly carried by its manufacturing sites and R&D centers. Since April 2021, IPSEN has therefore signed various PPAs that guarantee the supply of 100% green electricity for its manufacturing sites in Dreux, Signes and Isle sur la Sorgue, and its R&D centers in Dreux and Les Ulis. This major achievement will result in a significant reduction of its Scope 2 carbon emissions, around 1,800 tons of CO2 equivalent per year.
Main project's drivers for reducing the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
Energy and resource efficiency
Energy Decarbonisation
Energy efficiency improvements
Improving efficiency in non-energy resources
Emission removal
Financing low-carbon issuers or disinvestment from carbon assets
Reduction of other greenhouse gases emission
Project objectives
The main objective of this project is to switch to 100% renewable electricity for the major sites of the group.
As per the IPSEN group sustainability strategy, IPSEN is committed to playing our part in addressing the climate change. By deploying its Natural Resource Preservation program, IPSEN has set up targets to reduce its greenhouse gases emissions every year to deliver a 30% reduction in carbon intensity by 2025, considering emissions of scopes 1 and 2. Switching to 100% renewable electricity for the major sites of the group is part of the program’s roadmap.
The IPSEN group carbon footprint is mainly carried by its manufacturing sites and R&D centers. These major sites contribute to more than 90% of IPSEN scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gases emissions.
While the IPSEN manufacturing sites in Dublin and in Wrexham and the France headquarters in Boulogne-Billancourt already made the switch to 100% renewable electricity in 2019, the French manufacturing sites had not yet followed their steps. This was done in April 2021. The contracts were signed with the French electrical power supplier EDF and officially warrantee the supply of 100% green electricity for IPSEN’s manufacturing sites of Dreux, Signes and L’isle sur la Sorgue, and for its R&D centers of Dreux and Les Ulis till end of 2022.
This great achievement will result in a significant drop of our scope 2 carbon emissions, around 1 800 tonnes equivalent CO2 per year.
Emission scope(s)
on which the project has a significant impact
- Emission scopes
- Description and quantification of associated GHG emissions
- Clarification on the calculation
Scope 1
Direct emissions generated by the company's activity.
Scope 2
Indirect emissions associated with the company's electricity and heat consumption.
Scope 3
Emissions induced (upstream or downstream) by the company's activities, products and/or services in its value chain.
Emission Removal
Carbon sinks creation, (BECCS, CCU/S, …)
Avoided Emissions
Emissions avoided by the activities, products and/or services in charge of the project, or by the financing of emission reduction projects.
Scope 2 – Switch to 100% renewable electricity for the French manufacturing sites and R&D centers (mainly hydroelectricity injected by the energy supplier on the grid in the name of IPSEN)
- Quantification : – 1 833 teqCO2
2020 Electrical Energy for the sites in Signes, Dreux, Les Ulis, l’Isle sur la Sorgue = 33,460 MWh
Carbon Emission Conversion Factor using Country Average Location-Based Factors (kgCO2e/kWh) = 0.0548
Carbon Emission Conversion Factor using Market-Based approach (kgCO2e/kWh) = 0.00001
Key points
Invested amount
Aucun investissement
Starting date of the project
Project localisation
Major IPSEN sites in France • Signes manufacturing site • Dreux manufacturing site • L’Isle sur la Sorgue manufacturing site • Dreux R&D center • Les Ulis R&D center • Boulogne Headquarters
Project maturity level
Prototype laboratory test (TRL 7)
Real life testing (TRL 7-8)
Pre-commercial prototype (TRL 9)
Small-scale implementation
Medium to large scale implementation
Economic profitability of the project (ROI)
Short term (0-3years)
Middle term (4-10 years)
Long term (> 10 years)
Illustrations of the project
By switching to 100% renewable energy, the project contributes to SDG 7 Affordable and clean energy and SDG 13 Climate Action.
Reproducibility is high as
- This is a procurement initiative requiring no infrastructure investment and no headcount implications for Ipsen
- Cost premium is lower than current EU market carbon pricing
- The initiative is fully aligned to government policy on renewable energy commitments
- Benefit is high as electricity ‘location’ based emissions represents 43% of Ipsen’s global scope 1 and scope 2 baseline in 2019
However, Renewable Electricity / Renewable Energy Credit (REC) market maturity remains a barrier for many countries.
A partnership has been established with the French electrical power supplier, EDF.
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