Who are we?
At a time of climate emergency, AFEP’s major companies are mobilised to build a sustainable future. The action is shared by all and investments in favour of the ecological transition are already underway!
Laurent Burelle
Chairman of AFEP

Ambition 4 Climate
The Ambition 4 Climate initiative supported by AFEP illustrates the concrete commitment of large companies in the fight against climate change. Investing in a variety of know-how, innovations and technologies, large companies are mobilising to implement concrete low-carbon solutions in the diverse range of their value chains.
Recent and diverse projects
Ambition 4 Climate brings together a significant number of recent and diverse projects implemented by companies from different sectors to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and those of their customers. These projects are presented with factual and quantified data and show the variety of recent investment decisions. Their reproducibility makes it possible to trigger relevant emissions reductions. Given their characteristics, they mobilise many players and foster the dissemination of the climate ambition throughout the value chain. These projects are divided into six types of levers that make it possible to reduce the carbon dependency of companies or other actors. For each project, the carbon impact is assessed using a transparent methodology.

Constructive dialogue between companies and their stakeholders
Ambition 4 Climate also aims to stimulate a constructive dialogue between companies and their stakeholders by providing Internet users with detailed information sheet and a direct channel of contact for each company carrying a project. This platform is complementary to the individual or collective climate commitments initiated on the same theme, such as the French Business Climate Pledge.
An evolving digital platform
This platform is intended to integrate over time new projects being implemented by large companies, to facilitate the readability of their actions in the field and to establish an informed exchange with all interested parties.

Who are we?

AFEP (The French Association of Large Companies) is an association representing 111 of the largest companies operating in France.
AFEP’s objective is to foster a sustainable and business-friendly environment and to present the vision of its member companies to French public authorities, European institutions and international organisations.
AFEP is involved in drafting cross-sectoral legislation, at French and European level, and designs voluntary initiatives. The Association contributes in particular to environmental issues, including climate change, energy transition, the circular economy, biodiversity and corporate social responsibility. AFEP is at the origin of various initiatives in the field of sustainable development, such as: companies’ climate commitments at international level, corporate circular economy commitments, the promotion of sustainable cities in France and internationally, and CEOs’ commitments to biodiversity.

François-Nicolas Boquet
Directeur of environment and energy
This approach is driven by Afep's environmental departement, directed by François-Nicolas Boquet.
Afep would like to thank Romain Grandjean, Margaux Coudour, Léa Guillaut et Augustin Van Coppenolle for their contributions to the success of Ambition 4 Climate process, as well as Lisa Morzadec for the design and development of the platform.