Installation of solar panels on the carpark of Legrand headquarters in Limoges.
Main project's drivers for reducing the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
Energy and resource efficiency
Energy Decarbonisation
Energy efficiency improvements
Improving efficiency in non-energy resources
Emission removal
Financing low-carbon issuers or disinvestment from carbon assets
Reduction of other greenhouse gases emission
Project objectives
Legrand is committed to reduce global Scope 1&2 emissions by 10% per year between 2022 and 2024: the project objective is to reduce emissions related to electricity consumed in our headquarters.
Installation of 550 kWp photovoltaic panels on the roof of the carpark of Legrand headquarters in Limoges.
Emission scope(s)
on which the project has a significant impact
- Emission scopes
- Description and quantification of associated GHG emissions
- Clarification on the calculation
Scope 1
Direct emissions generated by the company's activity.
Scope 2
Indirect emissions associated with the company's electricity and heat consumption.
Scope 3
Emissions induced (upstream or downstream) by the company's activities, products and/or services in its value chain.
Emission Removal
Carbon sinks creation, (BECCS, CCU/S, …)
Avoided Emissions
Emissions avoided by the activities, products and/or services in charge of the project, or by the financing of emission reduction projects.
Scope 2 -Installation of solar panels.
- Quantification : 34 tons CO2 avoided per year
Legrand headquarters consume yearly 4700 MWh in average. Solar panels will generate up to 572 MWh (12% of total electricity consumed). Taking into account a French national emission factor of 60 gCO2/kWh, it will represent a reduction in CO2 emission of 34 tonnes per year.
Key points
Invested amount
Investment spread through the Power Purchasing Agreement.
Starting date of the project
January 2022
Project localisation
Legrand headquarters in Limoges, France
Project maturity level
Prototype laboratory test (TRL 7)
Real life testing (TRL 7-8)
Pre-commercial prototype (TRL 9)
Small-scale implementation
Medium to large scale implementation
Economic profitability of the project (ROI)
Short term (0-3 years)
Middle term (4-10 years)
Long term (> 10 years)
Illustrations of the project
SDG 8 : local employment
SDG 7: affordable and clean energy
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